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COVID-19: Helping you with a little help from a friend
The latest promotion from BarleyGroupCloud

Despite COVID-19 The Show must go on.
Pay for an entire year of unlimited service with BarleyGroupCloud

The BarleyGroupCloud winter sale
Enjoy a limited promotion from BarleyGroupCloud. Request your quote while the sale is on

Wifi problems solved by BarleyGroupCloud
Despite the trials and tribulations of the COVID-19 pandemic, BarleyGroupCloud continues to provide excellent services to all those in...

BarleyGroupCloud Unifi New Cloud Mesh Wifi Systems
World leading Mesh Wi-Fi solutions for every application, business , smart homes, leisure areas both in and outdoor Consult...

A SAFER, FASTER, SMARTER Way to the new normal COVID - 19
Barley Group Cloud introduce smarter way of temperature and mask screening for building access into our existing and new client base IP...

So Goodbye to all Landlines and all their business costs. (News update)
Say Goodbye to all Landlines and all their costs! BarleyGroupCloud Ltd, Launch new G.Fast and SoGEA services for businesses and are...

SoGEA service Launch, so say goodbye to landlines !
SoGEA which stands for Single Order Generic Ethernet Access. The product that does away with the concept of voice line rental in addition...

eSims News update
Demand for mobile data is increasing, as connected devices become more popular. Smart sensors enable better control and monitoring of...
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